
Machine Learning

Thiran, Jean-Philippe (EPFL)Type:
iDoc ProjectCategories:
Machine Learning, Oncology, Personalized diagnostics/treatmentDescription:

Fischi-Gomez, Elda | EPFL (Jean-Philippe Thiran)Type:
Transition Postdoc Fellowship ProjectCategories:
Big Data, Machine Learning, Personalized diagnostics/treatmentDescription:

Christian Matter (SPHN) & Joachim Buhmann (PHRT)Type:
Driver ProjectCategories:
Machine Learning, PlatformDescription:
Heart failure (HF) is a frequently occurring syndrome whose multiple triggers and drivers remain poorly understood. Currently,…

Marcel Salathé (EPFL)Type:
Seed Money ProjectCategories:
Machine LearningDescription:
Building the open platform with the goal to contain nutritional information on all barcoded food products…

Klaus Schönenberger, Robert West, Jean-Philippe Thiran, Matthias Roth-Kleiner, Thierry AgagliateType:
Module ACategories:
Machine Learning, PatientDescription:
The overall goal of this project is to develop methods and tools based on image processing and…

Pascal Frossart (EPFL), Olivier Michielin (CHUV)Type:
Module ACategories:
Machine Learning, Oncology, Personalized diagnostics/treatmentDescription:
The objective of this project is to develop a new data science framework built on novel neural network…

Marcel Salathé (EPFL)Type:
Module BCategories:
Machine Learning, PlatformDescription:
The objective of this project is integrating crowdAI (open platform for data science challenges) with the SDSC…

Adrian Egli (USB, UniBS)Type:
Driver Project, jointly with SPHNCategories:
Big Data, Machine Learning, Personalized diagnostics/treatmentDescription:
Within this collaborative network of all Swiss University Hospitals, Universities and ETH Zürich, we will generate a…

Adrian Egli (USB, UniBS)Type:
Driver Project, jointly with PHRTCategories:
Big Data, Machine Learning, Personalized diagnostics/treatmentDescription:
Within this collaborative network of all Swiss University Hospitals, Universities and ETH Zürich, we will generate a…