

Thiran, Jean-Philippe (EPFL)Type:
iDoc ProjectCategories:
Machine Learning, Oncology, Personalized diagnostics/treatmentDescription:

Radtke, Freddy (EPFL)Type:
iDoc ProjectCategories:
Oncology, Personalized diagnostics/treatmentDescription:

Matthias GuckenbergerType:
Driver ProjectCategories:
Big Data, Oncology, PlatformDescription:
This driver project proposes to complement clinical and biosamplebased personalized health research data with Radiomics, the quantitative…

Olivier Michielin (CHUV), Mohamed Bentires-Alj (USB)Type:
Driver ProjectCategories:
Big Data, OncologyDescription:
SPO will harmonize a common, defined set of clinical parameters (including diagnosis, prescription, intervention, and treatment response…

Mark A. Rubin (UNIBERN), Gunnar Rätsch (ETHZ)Type:
Driver Project, jointly with SPHNCategories:
Big Data, Oncology, PlatformDescription:
The SOCIBP SPHN/PHRT project consists of two parts: create a breakthrough genomics platform to manage and share…

Mark A. Rubin (UNIBERN), Gunnar Rätsch (ETHZ)Type:
Driver Project, jointly with PHRTCategories:
Big Data, Oncology, PlatformDescription:
The SOCIBP SPHN/PHRT project consists of two parts: create a breakthrough genomics platform to manage and share…

Stéphane Wicky, Vincent Zoete, Krisztian Homicsko, Edoardo Missiaglia, Marianne TremblayType:
Recherche et dialogue interdisciplinaires dans le domaine de la santé personnaliséeCategories:
Communication, OncologyDescription:
Ce projet associe journalistes et scientifiques pour illustrer les avancées que la médecine personnalisée promet dans la…

Claudine Burton-Jeangros, Pierre Chappuis, Samia Hurst, Petros TsantoulisType:
Recherche et dialogue interdisciplinaires dans le domaine de la santé personnaliséeCategories:
Communication, OncologyDescription:
L’organisation de forums citoyens autour de l’oncologie de précision permettra de récolter l’avis du public sur les projets…

Thomas McKee, Elisabetta Rapiti, Mauro DelorenziType:
Recherche et dialogue interdisciplinaires dans le domaine de la santé personnaliséeCategories:
Oncology, Personalized diagnostics/treatmentDescription:
Le cancer colorectal (CRC) est le troisième cancer le plus courant dans le monde. Le choix du…

Pascal Frossart (EPFL), Olivier Michielin (CHUV)Type:
Module ACategories:
Machine Learning, Oncology, Personalized diagnostics/treatmentDescription:
The objective of this project is to develop a new data science framework built on novel neural network…