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Nicolas Rosat (SPHN) & Jean-Pierre Hubaux (PHRT)Type:
Infrastructure Development ProjectCategories:
Big Data, Patient, PlatformDescription:
MedCo ( is the first operational system that makes sensitive medical data available for research in a…

Christian Matter (SPHN) & Joachim Buhmann (PHRT)Type:
Driver ProjectCategories:
Machine Learning, PlatformDescription:
Heart failure (HF) is a frequently occurring syndrome whose multiple triggers and drivers remain poorly understood. Currently,…

Thomas WolfensbergerType:
Driver ProjectCategories:
Patient, Personalized diagnostics/treatmentDescription:
Personalized medicine in ophthalmology has great potential for improving the quality of life of citizens, and for…

Matthias GuckenbergerType:
Driver ProjectCategories:
Big Data, Oncology, PlatformDescription:
This driver project proposes to complement clinical and biosamplebased personalized health research data with Radiomics, the quantitative…

Nicole Probst-HenschType:
Driver ProjectCategories:
Big Data, PlatformDescription:
The Swiss Ageing Citizen Reference will make existing data and biospecimens from 1000 deeply and longitudinally characterized…

Alexander LeichtleType:
Infrastructure Development ProjectCategories:
Patient, PlatformDescription:
Reference ranges for results of blood tests are a very common tool used in daily medical practice….

Anita RauchType:
Infrastructure Development ProjectCategories:
Personalized diagnostics/treatment, PlatformDescription:
This infrastructure developing project is a nation-wide academic effort to improve genetic variant interpretation, facilitate knowledgesharing and…

Olivier Michielin (CHUV), Mohamed Bentires-Alj (USB)Type:
Driver ProjectCategories:
Big Data, OncologyDescription:
SPO will harmonize a common, defined set of clinical parameters (including diagnosis, prescription, intervention, and treatment response…

Christian Lovis (HUG, UNIGE)Type:
Seed Money ProjectCategories:
Big Data, Patient, PlatformDescription:
The aim is to develop a clinical data environment to support Precision Medicine in the Lemanic cluster,…

Mark A. Rubin (UNIBERN), Gunnar Rätsch (ETHZ)Type:
Driver Project, jointly with SPHNCategories:
Big Data, Oncology, PlatformDescription:
The SOCIBP SPHN/PHRT project consists of two parts: create a breakthrough genomics platform to manage and share…