

Nicolas Rosat (SPHN) & Jean-Pierre Hubaux (PHRT)Type:
Infrastructure Development ProjectCategories:
Big Data, Patient, PlatformDescription:
MedCo ( is the first operational system that makes sensitive medical data available for research in a…

Thomas WolfensbergerType:
Driver ProjectCategories:
Patient, Personalized diagnostics/treatmentDescription:
Personalized medicine in ophthalmology has great potential for improving the quality of life of citizens, and for…

Alexander LeichtleType:
Infrastructure Development ProjectCategories:
Patient, PlatformDescription:
Reference ranges for results of blood tests are a very common tool used in daily medical practice….

Christian Lovis (HUG, UNIGE)Type:
Seed Money ProjectCategories:
Big Data, Patient, PlatformDescription:
The aim is to develop a clinical data environment to support Precision Medicine in the Lemanic cluster,…

Murielle Bochud (CHUV), Vincent Mooser (CHUV)Type:
Seed Money ProjectCategories:
Big Data, PatientDescription:
Business plan for a lemanic cohort with combined biomedical and social components, biobanking aspects and strong focus…

Caroline Samer, Christian Lovis, Samia Hurst, Christine Currat, Nicolas RosatType:
Recherche et dialogue interdisciplinaires dans le domaine de la santé personnaliséeCategories:
Renforcer la transparence et la traçabilité de tous les processus d’acquisition du consentement et dont la responsabilité devrait être…

Klaus Schönenberger, Robert West, Jean-Philippe Thiran, Matthias Roth-Kleiner, Thierry AgagliateType:
Module ACategories:
Machine Learning, PatientDescription:
The overall goal of this project is to develop methods and tools based on image processing and…

Joerg Willers (USB, UniBS)Type:
Infrastructure Development ProjectCategories:
Big Data, PatientDescription:
The goal of this project is to develop and implement tools that allow a controlled data exchange…